Liquid Changelog

18 April 2023

FixedPadding bug on mobile

FixedDisable hover 3d on mobile


17 March 2023

EnhancementUpdated woocommerce templates

FixedEditor not working when enable Elementor plugin

FixedError appears on the page

FixedIconbox widget broken style

FixedPage blocks not working

FixedSlider post template broken


20 September 2022

FixedGutenber editor missing

FixedSlider post template broken

FixedqTags console error

Fixed404 page broken

EnhancementAdded overlay link option for Team Member Widget

EnhancementImproved code blocks


20 June 2022

FixedSingle post missing featured image


10 June 2022

FixedMissing icons issue


8 June 2022

EnhancementPHP8 improvements


14 February 2022

FixedShortcode widget color selectors


20 January 2022

UpdateWooCommerce templates.

UpdateWPBakery Page Builder Plugin


11 August 2021

Newblog style podcast

Fixedblog single spacing

Fixedaudio post format

Fixedredux controls

Enhancementimproving preloader

Enhancementwoocommerce templates

Enhancementnew latest posts styles

Enhancementcarousel improvements


Updateave core plugin


12 June 2021

Newbackdrop filter

Fixedblog ajax pagination

Fixedrev slider compability

Fixedp tag issue

Fixedshare post issue on twitter

Enhancementjs improvements

Enhancementcarousel nav arrow style

Enhancementcarousel fade effect

Enhancementtypography options

Enhancementvideo background

Enhancementliquid colorpicker


Updateave core plugin


26 November 2020

Newsaas demo

Fixedissue with the field repeater redux extension

Fixedblog ajax load more

Fixedwoo and blog nav issue

Fixedoffset issue pagination

Enhancementupdated the wc_get_checkout_url() function in woo heading cart template

Enhancementadded nofollow to the header social links


Updateave core language file


Updatefresco js

Updateave core plugin


25 September 2020

Newwoo templates

Newajax filter and pagination

Newportfolio ajax loading

Fixedtwitter share post issue

Fixedissue with date format in blog sc

Fixedvideo prevent scrolling in pagee blocks

Fixedselected svg shape for row issue

Fixedredux repeater issue

Fixedslider revolution issue

Fixedcarousel optimization issue

Fixedpf hover 3d issue on safari

Fixedfixed issue with multitext field redux

Enhancementwoo templates

Enhancementremoved styles for vc link parameter

Enhancementadded rel="nofollow" to social links

Enhancementslide on hover elements in tabs

Updateave core


06 August 2020

Newwoo templates

Newmodern style for single post in theme options

Newoverlay link to classic style fancy box element

Fixedinstagram issue

Updateave core


01 July 2020

Newcolumns to the search result page

Newoption to enable/disable beacon

Newclassname to the custom menu element

Newwhatsapp social icon

Enhancementmedia element functionality

Enhancementparticles hover and click events

Enhancementwoo styling select

Enhancementave core style functionality

Fixedtabs navigation issue

Fixedhide row issue

Fixedflipbox issue on safari

Fixedpage blocks issue on chrome

Updateave core


01 May 2020

Newwordpress customizer

Newajax add to cart single product option


Enhancementwoo template improvements

Enhancementgoogle fonts

Enhancementlocal scroll

Enhancementslideshow background

Enhancementtext rotator



Enhancementfrontend editor

Enhancementback to top

Enhancementimage sizes

Enhancementcustom icons

Fixedsquare-2 blog element

Fixedredux extensions

Fixedlocal video bg issue on safari

Fixedave form inputs conflicts

Fixedhidden rows in page block

Updateave core


20 February 2020

Newglobal ave prebuilt website

Newave collection templates

Newprev/next navigation for single post

Enhancementcontainer to the post navigation

Enhancementwoo improvements

Enhancementfrontend editor

Enhancementback to top

Enhancementimage sizes

Enhancementcustom icons

Updateave core


4 February 2020

Newnext/prev buttons

Enhancementboxed layout improvements

Enhancementwoo templates

Enhancementwoo templates

Enhancementsticky header improvements

Enhancementmodal element

Enhancementmobile menu

Fixedissue with the font family in dynamic css

Fixedissue with stack hidden rows

Fixedupdate issue

Updateave core


27 January 2020

Enhancementlocal scroll

Enhancementcomments section

Fixedissue with responsive hide row js

Fixedyoutube video background size

Updatesnap error on chrome


18 December 2019

Newcharity prebuilt website

Neweducation prebuilt website

Newshadow for inner rows

Newrow shape divider

Enhancementfancy boxes



Enhancementpage blocks

Enhancementsticky rows


Enhancementbutton options

Fixedissue with column and row hover overlay

Fixedissue with frame on default state of the theme

Fixedissue with bg image on mobile with video bg

Fixedjs errors in backend

Updateave core

Updateave portfolio


6 November 2019

Newconcept shop prebuilt website

Newminimal shop prebuilt website

Newretail store prebuilt website

Newcontemporary shop prebuilt website

Newproduct styles

Newquickview functionality

Newoffcanvas cart functionality

Newcarousel for woo products on shop page

Newproduct compare functionality

Newsecondary hover image for woo product

Newoptions to newsletter element

Newoption for font weight for header cart and search modules

Newsupport element template in theme child

Newoverlay link to the blog featured

Newteam member overlay image

Newoptions for team member element

Newoverlay link to woo products

Newcolumns video options

Newtarget animation for fancy heading element

Newresponsive parameter and option to hide row

Newcustom preset to inner columns

Newcolumns animation to the inner row

Newshowcase element

Newrow separator style

Newlocalscrollspeed to js liquidparams

Newnavigation to the carousel gallery element

Newbutton style to instagram element

Newwoo option to disable order by field

Newproduct image navigation styles

Newoption to show/hide caption for instagram element

Newlatest post styles to theme option

Newwishlist button to single product

Newwoo ajax functions

Newempty cart page styles

Newstyles to related products

Newvideo lazy load to portfolio listing

Newnew blog style element

Newbackgroud for featured to blog element

Newcolumns options to featured two style

Newminimal shadow two woo template

Newsticky menu on mobile

Newtripadvisor icon to social networks

Newdescription for woo category subtitle

Newgallery type to media element element

Newblog style element

Newdata attributes to buttons for single product

Newxing icon to social icons

Newcustom video to columns templates

Newmenu color on sticky header

Newquantity to simple button single product

Newquantity to simple button single product

Newoption to enable offcanvas header cart

Neweight column instagram option

Newlightbox style for button element

Newfeatured image for mockup devices

Newmodern style for single post

Newtext align justify

Newlink to icon box element

Newcss options for mockup devices element

Newvideo thumbs and video lightbox options to portfolio listing element

Newmockup device element

Newresponsive width to header column

Newtypography options for single post title

Newspan text wrapper for highlight element

Newcustom post style for single post

Newcondition to display classnames in single posts template

Newpage blocks options for mobile devices

Newpage stacks on mobile

Newvideo thumbs and video lightbox options to portfolio listing element

Newlink option to the column

Enhancementheader search animations improvements

Enhancementlazyload and carousel

Enhancementseo improvements

Enhancementcart page responsiveness

Enhancementanimated frames

Enhancementtabs deeplink

Enhancementheader button improvements

Enhancementnew styles to woo products element

Enhancementpage blocks on mobile

Enhancementcart module improvements

Enhancementsticky row responsiveness

Enhancementvideo background

Enhancementlocal scroll

Enhancementmedia elements

Enhancementheader on safari

Enhancementtabs functionality

Enhancementraw html and raw js shortcodes available in header posts

Enhancementliquid icon box element

Enhancementheader cart template

Enhancementadd to cart ajax on single product

Enhancementproducts columns option

Enhancementlocalscroll improvements with sticky rows

Enhancementcarousel image improvement in mockup devices element

Enhancementspacing improvements

Enhancementshop responsiveness

Enhancementcontent option for alt promo element

Enhancementimage comparison element


Enhancementcarousel 3d improvements

Enhancementreplacing the video background and loader for row template

Enhancementimproving localscroll with sticky rows

Enhancementshowcase carousel

Enhancementportfolio hover effects on mobile

Enhancementmobile navigation breakpoint improvements

Fixednewsletter element issue

Fixedicon box content editor issue

Fixedportfolio ajax issue unique id

Fixedtitlbar background on search results page

Fixedheader cart offcanvas placement

Fixedequal height columns on safari

Fixeddefault animation values in columns template

Fixedshop banner link is not clickable on mobile

Fixedthe issue with cover spaced single blog template navigation

Fixedtext rotator on window resize

Fixedrow background issue image when border effect is enabled

Fixedlaptop carousel navigation on mobile

Fixedsubmenus in fullscreen header style

Fixedglitching issue with text rotator on safari

Fixedcolumns template issue

Fixedfallback image not visible on video background

Fixedlogo width on IE

Fixedtext cart color style

Fixedlaptop carousel navigation

Fixedwoo stripe inputs width issue

Fixedissue with body classnames to single post

Fixedstack page blocks

Fixedtitlebar background issue on mobile when background-attachment is set to fixed

Fixedsubheading issue

Fixedlogo max width not working on IE

Fixedportfolio listing issue theme option

Fixedtitle section content field issue

Fixedrow width issue on firefox

Fixedmobile logo width issue

Fixedformat quote issue in blog element

Fixedportfolio listing theme option issue

Fixedexclude input portfolio listing element

Fixedblog style issues in columns template

Fixedmissing element previews

Fixedresponsive images not showing when inside revealer elements

Fixedinvisible invisible on toggle buttons

Fixedcookies checkbox issue in comments

Fixedcontact form issue unerlined inputs when border color is added

Fixedimage comparison issue on mobile

Fixednotice in php 7.3 single posts template

Updateave core

Updateave portfolio


12 June 2019

Newseo agency prebuilt website

Newrestaurant prebuilt website

Newfullscreen prebuilt website

Newphotography prebuilt website

Newblog candy prebuilt website

Newpromo element

Newbutton element

Newprice table element

Newparallax video background

Newrestaurant menu element

Newoptions to enable animations threshold

Newblog candy style

Newoption to disable the author meta on single post

Newrelated posts to cover style single post

Enhancementoption for sticky duration custom menu element

Enhancementcarousel inside megamenu responsiveness improvements

Enhancementpromo element responsiveness

Enhancementportfolio listing element

Enhancementlocalscroll issue in mobile nav

Enhancementcontact form styling

Enhancementflickity for banner element

Enhancementiconbox functionality

Enhancementcustom menu improvements

Enhancementmetro portfolio style

Enhancementshop grid on mobile

Enhancementfancybox responsiveness

Enhancementfancy box custom height option

Fixedpromo element issue

Fixedbutton element split style issue

Fixedimage price table element

Fixedlimit number of the contact forms

Fixediconboxes in header on edge

Fixedajax load problem for images

Fixedfullscreen navigation on sticky header issue

Fixedbullet list shapes

Fixedimage size issue

Fixedblog single parallax issue

Fixedshop containers issue

Fixedissue with media element js

Fixedoverflow issue on tablet

Fixedflipbox not working on iphone

Fixedisotope for media element

Fixedlocalscroll issue on mobile navigation

Fixedinstagram timeout to get images

Updateave core

Updateave portfolio


13 May 2019

Enhancementmedia image optimisation

Enhancementrtl improvements

Enhancementoverlay functionality

Enhancementopt-in option to newsletter element

Fixedwoo styling

Fixedlocal video background loading


08 May 2019

Newvirtus one prebuilt website

Newvirtus two prebuilt website

Newvirtus three prebuilt website

Newvirtus four prebuilt website

Newbbpress compatibility

Newframe search template

Newzoom-out search template

Newslide-top search template

Newmenu badges

Newcurtain page preloader

Newfade page preloader

Newsliding page preloader

Newspinner page preloader

Newgerman translation

Newhighlight element and data opts to fancy heading element

Newpresets animations for columns

Newpresets animations for rows

Newnew svg row divider style

Newmobile logo center option

Newmobile logo alignment option

Newportfolio layout

Newcolor for newsletter response

Newoption to show on mobile device for header cart element

Newoption to header search and header language elements to show on mobile devices

Newoption to row to disable mobile background

Newside navigation tabs color options

Newmobile search dismiss button

Newdefault values to title and suggestion text header seach

Enhancementwoo templates

Enhancementperformance enhancements

Enhancementportfolio single option to theme options

Enhancementmobile navigation

Enhancementbackground attachment row template

Enhancementportfolio single metabox

Enhancementemail field to dashboard

Enhancementcenter alignment for mobile navigation

Enhancementcarousel equal cells option

Enhancementprefix field for the custom icons

Enhancementedit page styling

Enhancementfooter to split style

Enhancementfancy boxes

Enhancementtravel prebuilt website

Enhancementtext rotator

Enhancementcomment form styling

Enhancementauto p for description in single portfolio template

Enhancementparallax and local scroll

Enhancementscroll speed option to button element

Enhancementglobal scroll speed to theme options

Enhancementdashboard styling

Enhancementborder radius to the line of the title section element

Enhancementmedia elements

Enhancementaccordion element spacing

Enhancementpage block enhancements

Enhancementwoo review form styles

Enhancementwoo cart styles

Enhancementdefault value to accordion element

Enhancementmobile nav spacing

Enhancementenq js based on theme options

Enhancementsplitted js files for elements

Enhancementlazyload functionality


Enhancementcolor option for title in process box element

Enhancementmobile animations

Enhancementseparated woo styles for performance purposes

Enhancementlanguage files

Enhancementresponsive background

Enhancementvideo background container with overlay in row template

Fixedmailchimp issue for double opt-in

Fixedfirefox lazy loading

Fixedpage blocks issue when row is set to stretch content

Fixedtext rotator flickerting

Fixedflipbox on internet explorer

Fixedtriggering issue lightbox when dragging carousel

Fixedmobile nav selectors

Fixedjs error with mobile modules

Fixedvideo background white line issue

Fixedgrid issues on IE

Fixedfancy heading gradient background on IE

Fixedfooter horizontal scroll issue when page blocks enabled

Fixedsticky header issue on IE11

Fixedcontact form button alignment

Fixedcolor issues on social icons in header

Fixedbackground attachment issue of the row template

Fixedportfolio single categories and share buttons issue

Fixedsingle portfolio page spacing

Fixedrtl mobile navigation issue

Fixedicon color issue in header cart template

Fixedside header responsive width

Fixedjumping issue on fancy boxes when there is lightbox

Fixedresponsive side header width

Fixedsvg separator issue and overlay in row template

Fixediframe sizes

Fixedmobile nav items when there are two navigations

Fixeddropdown issue in modals

Fixedbackend editor buttons spacing issue

Fixedthe sidebar issue with single product page

Fixedsticky footer issue when height is more than viewport's height

Fixedheader logo issue on edge

Updateave core

Updateave portfolio


12 March 2019

Newrow templates

Enhancementopus import

Enhancementwoo templates

Enhancementsticky rows

Enhancement3d effects not working in tabs

Enhancementoption to disable the parallax on default posts

Enhancementtransition to sticky menu

Enhancementliquid events scroll indicator

Enhancementquotes to data slideshow options in row template

Enhancementcircle progressbar start angle

Enhancementpot file for translations

Enhancementyoutube pause video background when it is not inside the viewport

Fixedshop notice issue

Fixedtestimonials star rating conflict with woocommerce

Fixedbackground issue on contact form element

Fixedfullscreen navigation alignment issue

Fixedstack navigation issue

Fixedfullscreen navigation background issue

Fixedtestimonial carousel issue

Fixedfading row issue on mobile

Fixedresponsive css file issue

Fixedspacing issue

Fixedmodern navigation background picker problem

Fixedbreaking animations if there is no navigation container in header

Fixedspacing issue on blog archive

Updateave-core plugin

Updateliquid events plugin

Updatebundled premium plugins


15 February 2019

Newbeauty prebuilt website

Newstack prebuilt website

Newrtl prebuilt website

Newcolumn overlay options

Newsvg divider

Newrtl functionality

Newmobile header overlay

Newdefault type link to media element

Newpost formal gallery templates

Newoption to disable video background on mobile devices

Newgallery to portfolio listing element

Newcolumn options to masonry alt blog element

Newlocalscroll header offset

Newshowing secondary bars on mobile

Newheader options improvements

Newlocalscroll main header offset

Newmedial elements improvements

Newfade scroll functionality

Newsticky row functionality

Newcustom height for media element element

Newresponsive site width option

Newbreak point functionality

Newdata responsive background to figure media element element

Newbody background option for boxed layout

Newboxed layout default body background

Newboxed layout content shadow options

Newgradient background option for rows

Newblog carousel navigation color

Newcontent to header iconbox element

Newblog post gallery

Newcontent to header iconbox element

Newcontent to header iconbox element

Newresponsive navigation

Enhancementsticky functionality


Enhancementposition of the overlay in columns template

Enhancementwoo styles

Enhancementsplit text on mobile

Enhancementcontact forms

Enhancementelement container labels

Enhancementmodal box element

Enhancementlocal scroll improvements

Enhancementportfolio animations

Enhancementdata-lity in media element and button element

Enhancementblur image functionality

Enhancementcustom animations

Fixedwoo product image slider

Fixedcontainer name issue

Fixedsticky background duration issue

Fixedanimations on rows issue

Fixedrow background issue and custom animations

Fixedmobile navigation when there are two main-nav element in header

Fixeddropwdown menu overlapping by logo

Fixedcounter issue

Fixedcontainer size issue on mobile

Fixedhorizontal scrolling

Fixedresponsive background

Fixedtypo content box element

Fixedregister function issue

Fixedliquid events conflicting jquery ui styles

Fixedcount function issues in portfolio listing and blog element

Fixedfancy heading visibility issue on frontend editor

Fixedfancy image issues on IE11

Fixediconbox text overflow in IE11

Fixediconbox contents overflow issue on IE11

Fixedrevslider importer

Fixedlazy images issue when in header cart module

Fixedarrow issue in testimonials carousel

Fixedtestimonial carousel navigation

Updateave-core plugin

Updateliquid events plugin


10 January 2019

Newopus one prebuilt website

Newopus two prebuilt website

Newopus three prebuilt website

Newopus four prebuilt website

Newchinese language pack

Newrow separator style

Newhover overlay background functionality to row

Newnew social icons

Newbutton placement for classic style of the fancy box element

Newnew options for content box element

Newoverlay link to fancy image element

Newfancy box button

Newfancy box hover button

Newrevslider plugin to the tgm

Newcustom size width for svg icons in icon box element

Newcontainer styles

Newnew options to custom menu element

Newsub sticky menu

Newiconbox image background on hover

Newcustom height functionality for fancy content box element

Newtabs style

Newhover background image to icon box element

Newoptions for the carousel testimonials element

Newhover style for nav element

Newfont weight options for header icon box element

Newoption to header search element icon size

Newblog element

Newsearch module style

Newoptions to contact form element

Newminimal price table elmenent

Enhancementlocalscroll improvements

Enhancementwoocommerce my account page styles

Enhancementrow background animations

Enhancementcustom menu

Enhancementpinning functionality improvements

Enhancementparallax improvements

Enhancementtestimonials avatars spacing

Enhancementmegamenu improvements

Enhancementtabs improvements

Enhancementtabs responsiveness

Enhancementiconbox element improvements

Enhancementsplit texts

Enhancementmobile navigation and modules improvements

Enhancementsearch module in megamenu posts

Fixedmasonry items overlapping

Fixedissue with parallax background

Fixedblog missing styles

Fixedblog single margin issue

Fixedblog post links issue

Fixedselector for the icon box element

Fixedtarget link format blog element

Fixedextra links in content box element

Fixedside header module issues

Fixedside header spacing

Fixedtabs reverse issue

Fixedcontainers element issue

Fixedmobile navigation alignment issue

Fixedcustom icons theme panel option issue

Fixedlink post format for blog element

Fixedwoocommerce styling issues

Fixedmodal window element container

Fixedcontainer issues

Fixedcolumns responsive css box large screen

Fixedave collection lazyload issue

Fixedpromo content alignment issue

Fixedblog posts page issue

Updateave-core plugin


17 December 2018

NewHide row pin option in header posts

EnhancementPage blocks options

EnhancementLazyload process

FixedAuto update issue

FixedContainer issue in the singular post

FixedCarousels filter functionality issue

FixedCarousel cells changing height after filter

FixedColumn width issue on IE11

FixedFancy image stretching issue on IE11


12 December 2018

NewWave layout

NewMulti-concept layout

NewStack layout feature

NewOption for row content alignments

EnhancementSticky header

EnhancementPromo element improvements

EnhancementStyles for gutenberg editor button

EnhancementEnabled sticky logo for logo element

EnhancementPromo element functionality

EnhancementHeader functionality

EnhancementParticles functionality

FixedVideo background on mobile not being fullscreen

FixedAdmin body class function issue

FixedColumns options in header issue

FixedAve collection image issue

FixedMax width logo issue

FixedHeader titlebar scroll id issue


05 December 2018

NewDemo: voguish

NewGroup button for promo element

NewBack gradient handler position indicator

NewCheckbox for the inline option for custom list element

NewWeights for redux typography

EnhancementParallax background improvements

EnhancementLiquid color picker functionality

EnhancementAdded dynamic shape to promo element

EnhancementLiquid events plugin js

EnhancementAve collection UI

EnhancementUpdating promo / dynamic shape

EnhancementCart module improvements

EnhancementImproving local scroll

EnhancementCart module improvements

EnhancementFrontend editor

EnhancementChanged the placeholder for SVG type of the images

EnhancementSet condition for blog element

EnhancementParallax presets options

EnhancementWishlist button update

EnhancementPortfolio rise effect

FixedTemplate issue bg in rows

FixedImporter issue in safari

FixedLazyload issue

FixedColor picker issue not clearing the color

FixedParallax in columns templates issue

FixedAdded missing shortcode preview

FixedIssue with parallax in the image group element

FixedSticky header in product pages


26 November 2018

Enhancement Changed flipbox bg to accent color

Enhancement Changed flipbox bg to accent color

Enhancement Splittext functionality

Enhancement Pinning functionality

Enhancement Demo import

Enhancement Added target blank for instagram module images link

Update Ave collection

Fixed Modal window container

Fixed Issue with woo sidebars

Fixed Woo sidebar spacing


21 November 2018

New Cryptocurrency demo

New Landing demo

Fixed Shape divider height

Fixed Register issue <pre></pre>